Case Studies in Macrogenealogy: Brick Walls, Multiple Lineages, and Clan Origins

Presented by Dr. Robin Spencer on July 29, 2021
52 minutes
Genetic Genealogy

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Traditional paper genealogy is "microgenealogy" and seeks to identify immediate ancestors.  Macrogenealogy, in analogy to macroeconomics, folds in other disciplines -- demography, geography, mathematics, genetics -- and can answer more general questions.  This talk presents cases studies in macrogenealogy that address why the Atlantic is frequently a brick wall for genealogy, why any group of 100 men will fall into about 50 distinct lineages, and how Dark Ages branching, before surnames, may identify modern descendants of a historic clan. 

About the Presenter

A scientist by training (Ph.D. biochemistry MIT), Rob's career spanned pharma research and software development.  Now retired, he's brought his data analysis interests to genetic genealogy.  He is an admin at Family Tree DNA and author of SNP Tracker.